Ricardo de Camponogara de Mello
Ricardo de Camponogara de Mello earned a Doctor of Musical Arts in Guitar Performance from University of Arizona, financed by CAPES. He received a Master of Music degree in Guitar Performance from the Graduation Program at Federal University of Bahia, financed by the National ResearchCouncil (CNPq), and a Bachelor of Music degree in Guitar Performance from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. He also received a scholarship by the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), which enabled him to attend a course in guitar and chamber music at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, in Argentina. In 2012 Ricardo worked as a Visiting Professor at University of Arizona, US. As part of his phonographic records, we highlight the CD entitled Concertos Brasileiros – 2013, where he worked as a soloist, conductor and arranger. He has performed as a soloist in several countries, with awards received in the US. He also developed activities related to research, with books and papers published by EDUFBA, ANPPOM, International Symposium on Performance Science /Royal College of Music and European Association of Conservatories, among others. Since 2009 Mr. Mello is a Professor of Music at the Federal University of Bahia, and the Director of the UFBA Guitar Orchestra.